
Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 423238

Kissimmee, FL 34742

(708) 824-REAL

Address 17935 Springfield Ave.  Country Club Hills, IL

From North & South Side:
Take Dan Ryan to I-57 South
I-57 South to 167 East
167th to Pulaski (make a right)
Pulaski to 179th (make a left – Springfield)
Take street around to 17935

From West Side:
Take 294 South to 159th (West)
159th to Pulaski aka Crawford (make a left)
Pulaski to 179th (make a left – Springfield)
Take street to 17935

From East Side:
Take 94 South to 159th (West)
159th to Pulaski aka Crawford (make a left)
Pulaski to 179th (make a left – Springfield)
Take street to 17935






Phone Number


(708) 824-REAL (7324)







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